Welcome to the babysitters club! Ywam Kauai is pleased to announce we are now taking in 15-17 year old male and female children. Ywam Kauai offers a healthy environment for your teens to learn and grow. Nutritious meals, trips to local waterfalls, and spiritual mentorship gallor!
So this summer about half our team went missing (shark attacks or trips to the mainland, you decide) and in lieu of that we filled up our houses with a bunch of teenagers. We joke about us being the babysitters club since Blair’s younger brother, Raquel’s younger sister, and a few boys from the surfing ministry next door have taken up semi permanent residence with us. It has actually been a blast having all these extra guys around to keep us up on our toes and motivating us to get out and explore!
In the four months Ive spent on Kauai I have grown to love Hawaiian people and culture more than I ever did in the past 2 years in Honolulu. The main reason for this simply being that since moving to this island I actually have time to invest in relationships outside of the Ywam bubble, and it’s been awesome. I run into the kids from keiki club at the beach and play marco polo with them or I go cliff jumping with the young adults after church. Having this time to establish ourselves as a base and a team before running a DTS has been such a blessing. Still, I cant wait for our first DTS this fall! Lately my mind has been trying to guess where Gods gonna send me on outreach this time. I couldn’t ask for a better life planner than my main man JC, He always has the best adventures in store!
This past week I had an amazing/exhausting time kayaking along the Na Pali coast. 15 miles of kayaking, 15 miles of hiking and sleeping on the beach for 3 nights really wears on you when you have a cold! I lost my voice almost completely and was blowing my nose every 5 minutes, but the beauty there made it worth it all!
Due to impending US visa expiry and missing my family grandly, I leave for home home on Tuesday. This trip has been the longest one away (almost 11 months) and I feel like God has done so so much in me and through me. Its been an insane year and I can honestly say that Ive never been more ready to go back home for a little down time!
Im ready to open the door to a full fridge.
Dearest Kim. Please blog. The end.
i remember a darn good campfire chat with you out there on the kalalau beach under the milky way. (just found an old notebook with “Kim YWAV kauai” in there). hi!