Monthly Archives: February 2009

in all this chaos we found safety

hi friends and family.
God is crazy and he blows my mind.

ive come to the conclusion that i should not make any promises in regards to how often i update you all on my life, that way i dont feel crummy when i dont follow through.
just cozy up with a warm cup of hot cocoa and enjoy this while you can.

i do not generally like writing with too much order so forgive the chaos.

some basic info in case you’ve not yet been informed:

I am living in Honolulu and have been since August 08.
I am under a 4 school/ two year commitment with Ywam .
I am in the middle of staffing my second school.
I am co-leading a team of 8 students (1 guy 7 girls) to Borneo
I leave April 1st and will be there for two months.
I am pretty much married to my co leader, his name is CJ.
Its like an arranged marriage where love is a choice not a feeling.
Where your suddenly given 8 children (ages 18 to 23) to care for, encourage, lead, confront and counsel.
There names are : Kaitlin, Miriam, Amy, Crina, Samantha, Jenny, Taryn, and Tyler.

Lord help me.
Somedays are hard, students ask tough questions: “Why did God let this happen?” …”Why is God speaking to everyone else but me?”… “Is the Christian life worth it?”….”Why arent our churches teaching us this”… “What if i dont change when i go home?”. I get to confront people on attitudes and actions that i can forsee will be a problem on outreach.
It is sometimes stressful. It is daily challenging.
I have to rely on Gods strength when i have nothing left to offer.
Thus it is good.

as i was saying. God blows my mind. and the good always always always outweighs the bad.

So we are just over half way done lecture phase, and the school is going awesome! This school has had tons of teaching about Holy Spirit, prophecy, etc. And its amazing to see them so hungry for more, and putting what they learn into practice. For example one of our students Frank sprained his thumb on Sunday night then driving on the way to evangelism Tuesday night everyone in the van prayed for him. He took his splint/bandage off and his thumb had been completely healed! Go God!

I had the privledge of teaching a one hour breakout group on Identity in Christ for four weeks. Due to the fact that i freak out when having to speak in public, i feel a huge sense of accomplishment in having done it. Lets just say im really glad its over though!

CJ and i co ordinated and planned a fun “Ohana Night” last night. We went with a Friday Night Live theme. And the staff performed a bunch of SNL skits, mixed in with students sharing their talents. It all went smoothly and i had a blast. If youve ever seen the Family diner SNL skit with Will Ferrell, try to picture me as the mom. I only laughed once at the very end, which was a huge accomplishment for me!

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I honestly dont know if i could be more fulfilled in my life.

Please continue to keep mine and CJ’s team in your prayers. We can use all we can get.

Meanwhile. Send me any prayer requests you may have.

And please tell me of your lives. I love hearing from home!

Love to all.

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